Special Notice
Dec 20, 2024
Employment Opportunities - New Listings!
Welcome to Skyway Water & Sewer District!
We're glad you're here and hope this website will provide you with useful information about Skyway Water & Sewer District -- your local water and sewer service provider.

What We Are -- Who We Serve Skyway Water & Sewer District is a Special Purpose District located in the West Hill area of unincorporated King County. The West Hill area includes the neighborhoods of Bryn Mawr, Campbell Hill, Earlington, Hilltop, Lakeridge, Panorama View, Skycrest and Skyway. The District shares service boundaries with the cities of Renton, Tukwila, Seattle, and King County Water District #125. Skyway's service area is approximately 1.8 square miles for water (serving 3,400 customers) and 2.7 square miles for sewer (serving 4,100 customers). The District maintains approximately 40 miles of water mains and 48 miles of sewer system piping.
How We Operate As a local municipality, Skyway operates under the authority of Title 57 of the Revised Code of Washington. The District is subject to Federal, State and Local regulations. Three local citizens are elected to Skyway's Board of Commissioners by voters living within the District's Boundaries. The Board of Commissioners establishes District water and sewer rates, sets policies, and oversees operations. The Board meets regularly on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. All meetings are open to the public. Day to day District administrative and operational duties are carried out by a ten-member staff along with consulting engineers and counsel.

In this episode of We Need Water, we sit down with Lisa Taylor, a sustainable landscaping speaker, educator and author to talk about all things Organic Pest Control.
We discuss how residents can take a holistic approach to deal with common pests in the PNW including rabbits, moles, aphids, slugs and more! Tune in to learn how to integrate pest control into your gardening without resorting to poisonous chemicals.

🎧 Tune in on Apple, Spotify, Buzzsprout or YouTube. https://link.edgepilot.com/s/55ed3abd/vuVggs-s0EmudVYJiLYkzw?u=https://weneedwater.buzzsprout.com/
MRSC Rosters maintains the Skyway Water & Sewer District Small Works and Consultant Rosters
To continue eligibility to work on small public works projects or consultant projects please join MRSC Rosters for free at www.mrscrosters.org and select Skyway Water & Sewer District in your account. For more information about joining, contact MRSC Rosters at 206-625-1300 or mrscrosters@mrsc.org.

Frequently Asked Questions:
How can I get help with my bill?
The following is a list of agencies that may be able to provide assistance in your time of need:
SKYWAY/SALVATION ARMY'S CUSTOMER ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (CAP) Skyway Water and Sewer District and the Renton Salvation Army are working together to provide utility bill payment assistance to all qualifying Skyway customers. The Salvation Army will administer the program and screen all applicants for eligibility. If you are in need of help in paying your water or sewer bill, please give us a call at 206-772-7343. We will provide you with necessary account information and refer you to a Salvation Army social service representative for screening and assistance. To reach the Renton Salvation Army directly, you may call 425-255-5969.
CATHOLIC COMMUNITY SERVICES (253)854-0077 www.ccsww.org
COMMUNITY INFO LINE-CRISIS CLINIC (Information Resource Agency) (206)461-3200 www.crisisclinic.org Crisis Clinic offers an array of support services available to everyone in King County. Their telephone services provide immediate, confidential assistance for people in emotional distress, as well as those needing information on health and human service organizations. Crisis Clinic's online resource database has comprehensive information on over 7,800 services in King County.
ST. VINCENT DE PAUL (206)767-6449
SOUTH KING COUNTY MULTI SERVICE CENTER (Energy Only) (253)854-3437 ext. 106
Customers may also be eligible for assistance from the Office of Community Services Low-Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP) by contacting the following Community Action Agency: Multi-Service Center LIHEAP/LIHWAP 253-517-2263 or mschelps.org
- The Department of Health (DOH) serves as a point of contact for information sharing, guidance, and technical assistance for community water systems and their customers. You can reach DOH at 800-525-0127 or see Frequently Asked Questions for Water System Customers at DOH.WA.GOV and for Customer Assistance Programs
- The Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) Disaster Cash Assistance Program helps people with their basic needs during this emergency. Apply online at www.WashingtonConnection.org and then call the Customer Service Contact Center at 1-877-501-2233 to complete the required interview. Or call 877-501-2233 to complete the whole application process. For more information, visit: DSHS Disaster Cash Assistance Program (DCAP)
When seeking agency assistance in paying your utility bills, please remember these helpful hints:
Please be aware that agencies may be able to help on a one-time basis only.
Have all your information current; outstanding utility bills; account numbers, etc.
Be pleasant (do not be impatient or rude). These people also want to help you out of your difficulties. Sometimes you will have the wrong agency for your problem. (Keep trying, with a smile.)
DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE. Most help will involve an appointment and this could take several weeks.
ON YOUR OWN, ASK EACH COMPANY where you are BEHIND IN YOUR BILLS if they have a budget plan or a plan that lets you pay a small amount of cash on a consistent basis. THIS IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY.
If you find a helpful person, THANK THEM. Do not talk negative about any organization.
Learn to budget and set aside moneys for utilities ALL YEAR LONG. Even if you don't use heat in the summer, you can set aside some extra cash for fall and winter.
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